Legend X, but Better?<h4>October 2021</h4> <img width="620" height="264" src="https://audiotiers.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/EE-Logo.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" srcset="https:// ...
Tour: Empire Ears ODIN and HERO
The Long ODIN/HERO Tour Wait is Over<h4>December 2020 </h4> <a href="https://www.firaudio.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img width="200" height="10 ...
Review: Empire Ears Valkyrie
The Most Fun CIEM Ever! COMING SOON - Transfering from my post on HEADFI. Read Review on HEADFI
Closed Tour: Empire Ears: CIEMs: Wraith, Valkyrie
Tour Hosted on HEADFI 2020: Empire Ears: CIEMs: Wraith, ValkyrieThe tour may be closed, but impressions and reviews can be found in the thread as well as reviewers that can answer your questions.Review and Discuss the Tour Impressions on HEADFI
Reviews: Empire Ears: Legend X
The Best Audiophile Bass I have Heard in a CIEM COMING SOON - Transfering from my post on HEADFI.Read Review on HEADFI