How about interest in a Phono Tour? There are a few phonos that look very interesting:
Holo Audio KTE LCR-1 MK5
ifi iPhono 3 Black Label
Manley Chinook Special edition mkii
I would like to see a tour of some of the best portable tube amps, i would consider WA11 to be portable so anything smaller than that. I love tube sound!!
I'd like to demo wireless IEMs like the noble audio fokus pro, Final Audio ZE3000, 1more EVO, etc. I have fought off the wireless bandwagon for many years and now and I'm willing to buy wireless earbuds for the sake of convenience. I've heard the sony, bose, and sennheiser wireless earbuds, but I'd like to demo wireless offerings from companies that most people have never heard of.
I'd also be interested in demoing DAPs.
@hypermuteki I will pass this thought along to Noble, but don't have contacts at the other firms. Will have to make it to the upcoming SoCal meet to see if I can drum up options. As for the DAPs, I have been getting nowhere with the manufacturers. They don't seem interested in tours, but again, will try to figure something out if I can make it to the SoCAL event. 🙂
SPEAKER: Marantz SR7007 (7.1) >>> Rotel RB-1090 (800W@4ohm) >>> Magneplanar 1.7 + Subs (M&K MX-100 + B&W ASW610)
DESKTOP: SOURCE - Burson C3R / Havana 2 Tube DAC >>> AMP - Eddie Current Zana Duex Tube AMP >>> HEADPHONES - HEX / HD800 / LCD2v2 / HD700 >>> CABLES - Norne Silvergarde / Forza Hybrid HPC
PORTABLE: DAPs - Hugo2 / Sony WM1A / Calyx M >>> AMP - C&C BH2 >>> CIEMs – MMR Thummim, Fir M5, VE ELYSIUM, EE Legend X / Valkyrie, 64A A18 Tzar / A12t, Hidition NT-6 Pro, Lime Ears Aether, Fearless S12 >>> CABLES - PWAudio 1950, OLSO, Eletech Plato / Socrates
very interesting